In addition to advocating for student needs, GALDSU provides diverse athletic, cultural and social opportunities to its members by initiating, sponsoring, co-ordinating, and promoting a wide range of initiatives.

If you have an idea for an event or initiative, get in touch with us or apply for the Student Initiative Fund!

Ongoing and past initiatives include:

> Yoga and Mindful Moment Fridays

Lunch-time yoga and mindfulness sessions

> What’s Next

An alumnae speaker series looking at the various career paths available to them following graduation. You can see the recorded talks here.

> Library Acquisitions Initiative

The list of books related to race and design  available at the Eberhard Zeidler Library, purchased by GALDSU on behalf of students, can be found here.

> Portrait Session

Professional headshots

> Portfolio Review Sessions

1-on-1 reviews with faculty members to get feedback on your portfolio development

> Looking Inward and Outward

A BIPOC toolkit series which aims to highlight and celebrate the differences of each individual of the community.

> Pulse Checks

A series of short surveys to check in with the student body on a variety of topics, from mental health to issues of equity & diversity.

> Office Hours

Standing weekly office hours with exec team members to discuss student issues or just say hello!

As of March 2021, GALDSU has jointly suspended its participation in the Daniels Equity and Diversity Committee with AVSSU and the FGSA. *** Click here to learn more ***