Our affiliate organizations include:


Cafe 059 is a student-operated volunteer-run cafe and a joint venture of GALDSU and AVSSU. The cafe is generally managed by a team of four. This team is comprised by two Cafe Managers, plus two additional Support Managers. An honorarium of $1000 is given to each manager or support manager; $500 at the end of each term. The honoraria are jointly funded by GALDSU and AVSSU. GALDSU and AVSSU will each provide $2000 toward the honoraria.

The Annual

The Annual is a student-edited publication of selected work from the graduate programs in the faculty.  It is overseen by a group of 2-3 editors who are selected from applications submitted at the end of the spring semester for the following academic year. The process of designing, editing and producing the yearly publication is supported and funded by GALDSU. An honorarium of $2000 is given to the editing team each year. 

Student Equity Alliance (SEA)

The Graduate Architecture, Landscape and Design Student Union (GALDSU), along with the Forestry Graduate Student Association (FGSA), and the Architecture, Visual Studies, Students Union (AVSSU) came together in July 2020 to formalize the working group that spearheaded the Daniels Do Better letter, establishing it as the Student Equity Alliance (SEA). Currently, SEA is composed of students and alumni, across nearly every program stream at Daniels. If you would like to get involved, please email SEA at sea@daniels.utoronto.ca.


The Architecture and Visual Studies Students Union (AVSSU) represents and advocates for the rights of the undergraduate student body at the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design at the University of Toronto.


Although the Faculty of Forestry has joined Daniels, all graduate students in their programs are members of the Forestry Graduate Students’ Association (FGSA).

The FGSA’s executive members are committed to ensuring that all forestry graduate students have a positive and enriching academic experience by hosting social and networking events, continuously collecting feedback from graduate students, and creating a platform for students to raise any and all questions and concerns they may have regarding their graduate experience. GALDSU works with FGSA on events and are jointly seated on faculty committees. 

As of March 2021, GALDSU has jointly suspended its participation in the Daniels Equity and Diversity Committee with AVSSU and the FGSA. *** Click here to learn more ***